About Us
Welcome to Abbleys GMC Hearings
We can take care of you throughout your GMC investigation and MPTS hearing. We have looked after doctors who work in an NHS trust, are GPs in surgery and doctors in private practice.
Facing a GMC Investigation is a dauting and stressful experience. We will guide you through every step of the process right from advice in the earliest stages of the GMC Investigation through to representing you at any MPTS hearings. In this way you can be assured that should your matter reach a Tribunal hearing we will have undiminished knowledge of your case.
Our focus is on you. We know that your work is more than just a job and that you have dedicated yourself to your patients and providing the best care.
Practice Areas
Committed to Protecting what matters most.
Often you are working in very difficult circumstances under immense pressure from a range of sources. You are contacting us during very difficult times, you want clear answers to the important and potentially life changing questions facing you.
We will do everything we can to robustly protect you. We can help you at any stage in your matter though we would strongly recommend that you contact us as soon as an issue arises so we can give you advice on what to disclose and when. There will be occasions where early disclosure of information is advisable to swiftly dispose of an investigation and other matters where it may detrimentally prejudice your defence later in the process.
Fitness to practise investigations cover a wide range of scenarios. Cases involve diagnostic, surgical, administrative or prescribing errors. Dishonest or misleading behaviour; criminal cautions and convictions; sexually motivated behaviour; breaching patient or colleague trust or confidentiality. Or your health may be impairing your work, be that a physical or psychological condition or dependency issue. The advice we give therefore depends on the facts of your case and we will carefully listen to you to understand your circumstances.

Free Consultation
- We are very happy to speak to you by phone in the first instance and we will offer you a free ‘no strings’ consultation so you can decide whether you would like us to instruct us with confidence and insight into how we work.
- In terms of fees, we can be funded by your insurer or you may be paying privately. In either case we will generate an estimate of the work costs for you to consider.
- Our offices are based in Manchester City Centre and the vast majority of the GMC hearings are at the Manchester Centre.
- We also attend other hearings nationally. We are available to speak with you. If you would like to make an appointment for a first meeting or have any questions, please call 03301 330 684 or email us at Admin@abbleys.co.uk