GMC Investigations
Investigation Outcomes
Once the Registrar has investigated and gathered the evidence if it suggests your fitness to practise may be impaired they refer the matter to the Case Examiners. At the point of doing so the Registrar should send you a ‘Rule 7 Letter’.
The case examiners are two senior GMC staff, one of whom is medical and another non-medical. They will review the information collated during the Investigation and consider what action, if any, ought to be taken. Aside from the Interim Orders Tribunal, which is always an option during the investigation, there are five possible outcomes, they can decide to:
- close the case without taking any action
- issue a warning,
- agree an undertaking with you [See Undertakings]
- refer the matter to the GMC Investigation Committee or
- refer to the matter to the MPTS to list a hearing[See MPTS].
The case will be referred by the Case Examiners to the GMC Investigation Committee where they are unable to unanimously agree a decision. The Committee will review fitness to practise and may;
- close the case with no outcome,
- issue a warning,
- agree undertakings with you [See Undertakings],
- arrange an oral hearing or
- refer the matter to the MPTS to list a hearing [See MPTS].

Where an oral hearing is listed you will be given notice of the arrangements which will include details of the allegation and the facts upon which it is based. If the case concerns your health it is held privately, there may be other times a private hearing is warranted.
The case will otherwise be heard publicly. It is not compulsory for you to attend but the hearing can go ahead in your absence and you will have missed your opportunity to make reprepsentations. The oral hearing is heard by a chair and tribunal members. The GMC ordinarily have a barrister and you are entitled to be legally represented.
The GMC will set out their case, you can respond and adduce evidence in reply. If the oral hearing does not result in a warning, undertaking agreement or MPTS referral it may be adjourned for further investigations if new evidence arises or for some practical reason. These hearings should be taken very seriously and we can provide advice on how to deal with them and represent you at any hearing.