GMC Investigations
GMC Language Assessments
If there are concerns about your safety to practise medicine because of language proficiency the GMC may direct you to undertake an English Language test. It is the seriousness of the concerns – whether in practice there is any real threat to patient safety – that will determine whether the GMC will direct you to take a test.
The GMC guidance states they are unlikely to direct a test where the issue only relates to poor grammar, minor poor spelling, or not understanding slang or colloquialisms.
At the other end of the scale multiple complaints, prescribing errors arising from poor English and poor record keeping may harm patients and so would warrant the GMC directing a test.
They will require you to take the ILETS or OET Test within 90 days. Unless you have a good reason for not completing it in 90 days they will likely refer you to the MPTS.
Even if you pass the test it is not a sure fire matter that they GMC will close the investigation. They have to consider whether there are other issues arising as part of your fitness to practise.
Two senior decision makers will review the results of the assessment. They will review the result together with any other evidence gathered as part of the investigation.